Fieldlab ‘The Smart Connected Supplier Network’: One language for all data. In the day-to-day business of the supplier industry countless data are gathered such as orders, plans, technical drawings and bills that need to be exchanged between different parties.
In the day-to-day business of the supplier industry countless data are gathered such as orders, plans, technical drawings and bills that need to be exchanged between different parties.
However, due to many different data processing systems, problems like incompatibility, loss of time and error-proneness often occur. An important objective of this fieldlab is to simplify the sharing of data. In the end, some standards must be complied with and we can be sure that no data is lost and that the systems can not be hacked from the outside.
In the field lab ' the smart connected supplier network’ scientific institutions and companies from the industry are working together to bring the solutions developed in the theory directly into practice.