Showcase PRODEX 2019

Scalable automation

The GOODJ automation solutions are modular and can be scaled in the simplest way. Automation can easily react to changing market conditions. This is especially important for contract manufacturers.

Recently a GOODJ WHS + cell was handed over to a customer who works in the medical technology sector. As usual, the machining process on this system is automated via a 6-axis articulated robot and a high-bay rack as a device and component storage.

In addition, automation was systematically expanded to include tools. All holders are labeled with a Data Matrix Code (DMC).

The automation cell outputs the tool requirement to the tool management on the basis of the jobs loaded. The tools are then automatically measured on the presetting device, and the measured values transmitted to the cell control.

As soon as a measured tool is inserted into the tool lock of the machining center, the GOODJ WHS + cell transmits the corresponding tool data to the machine control.